Goodyers End Primary School is a Community school and was established in 1996 following the linking of Goodyers End First & Middle Schools.
Our school has a hardworking and committed staff who work together to ensure that all the children receive a high quality of education.
Congratulations to our Star of the Week winners this week. They have all been showing and using our 'empathetic' value. Well done! #GYEStaroftheWeek
In Science, Year 1 are exploring animal groups and thinking carefully about their similarities and differences.
In Year 1, we have thought carefully about the beginning, middle and end of the story of 'Where the Wild Things Are’. This has allowed us to plan our own version of the story including thinking of our main character, setting and plot twist.
Congratulations to the children who received the first Star of the Week award for the New Year. They have all been showing our 'honest' value. #GYEStaroftheWeek
Reception have been learning all about buses! We spoke about how to catch one and who we wanted to go on the bus with.
Reception have had a present delivered to the classroom! The bus went on lots of adventures with the children.
Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 ribbon winners this morning. We presented our HEARTS, MINDS and Mrs Keane's Award.
A huge well done to our Key Stage 1 ribbon winners this morning. We presented our HEARTS, MINDS and Mrs Keane's Award.